Thursday, September 18, 2008

Review of Amazon's Mechanical Turk

MTurk as most know it is a program from amazon where individuals get paid to do hits. With technology taking over alot of the work force today, there are still many task that humans do more effectively than computers, so instead of hiring a large workforce to perform these task, this is an opportunity for business's to have access to a very diverse workforce and have these task completed.

What Is A Hit?

A HIT is a Human Intelligence Task.
As an MTurk worker you simply log in and search through the thousands of hit's available and choose the ones that you want to do. When reviewing a hit make sure that you read all of the qualifications and that you understand the task that is being asked of you. Most hit's will give you an allotted time to finish them in so be sure that you will be able to comply with all of the guidelines.

These tasks range from extremely easy to more time consuming and advanced, thus the pay for each hit ranges according to the complexity of each individual hit. For some of the higher paying hits you may have to take a qualifications test before being allowed to accept the hit.

What is a Qualification?

Some HITs are available only to Amazon Mechanical Turk users with certain Qualifications. Requesters can use Qualifications to make sure their HITs are completed by users that have demonstrated their ability to give high quality answers. You can obtain a Qualification by browsing or searching through the available Qualifications and requesting ones that appeal to you. Qualifications related to your performance completing HITs are assigned automatically and cannot be requested. Some Qualifications may require you to complete a test before they are granted. Qualifications requiring you to complete a test must be completed within the specified time.

Once your work has been submitted and the requester approves your work your money will be deposited into your Amazon Payments Account. You can choose to be paid with Amazon Gift Certificates or you can have the money transferred into a bank account.

Many of these task are very enjoyable to do and this is yet another very easy way to earn some extra income in your spare time.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mammoth List - What's All The Hype??

So you have heard all the talk going around the internet about some "Mammoth List" but still aren't sure exactly what it is, well let's see if I can make things a little more clear for ya.

I'm sure the first thing that you are going to ask, just like I did I may add, is how much is this going to cost. $12.00 That's it, $12.00 dollars and you can build your own opt-in list and make money while doing it.

How, you might ask???
Here's how the program works.

Mammoth List was created for people that want to build their own Monster list, you know those opt-in list that everyone has but you.

Everyone knows that in order to make any amount of serious money online you must have a list and most people have no clue as to how to get a list of their own.
Mammoth list is a 5 level matrix and once you join and pay the $12.00 there are no recurring fees.

The steps to get started are very easy,

1. Go to Mammoth List and register.

2. Go to Alert Pay and set up an account with them. This is how you pay your $12.00. Registering is very simple and if you know anything about Paypal then it will be a snap. There a a few options that you can use to fund your account, just choose the one that you are the most comfortable with. Personally I registered my credit card with them since it was the fastest way to get started.

3. Once you have funded your AlertPay account, go back and log in to your Mammoth List account and pay the 5 people on your list $2 each and there is a $2 site maintenance fee.

3. Now you have your own Mammoth List affiliate link. Tell everyone that you know. Check out the tools that are provided to you in your members area for promoting your list, they have plenty of ideas for you to take advantage ofand don't forget to check out the earnings calculator.

Everyone has seen a chain letter at least once in their lives, this program resembles the same structure as a chain letter. It is 5 levels and you start at the bottom and move up through each level.

This is a very simple program to promote and with little effort at all you will soon have your very own list and $2 payments flooding your account.